Welcome to the Osteopathic Family!

Save the Date October 24-25!

2014 Fall Convention is
open to Pre-Medical Students
Register now (Click Here) ! Make sure to have a Pre-SOMA Account by clicking Join Now!
This is your opportunity to meet osteopathic medical student, osteopathic medical school admissions directors, and learn alongside medical students with interactive workshops! 

See flyer for more details. 
Final Save the Date fall 2014 A.pdf

2014 Pre-SOMA Fall Conference (10/18/2014) See flyer below
PreSOMA Conference 2014 Flyer.pdf

In a few words, Pre-SOMA is the undergraduate division of the Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA).  In reality, it’s much more than that. Osteopathic medicine is a community of physicians that practice holistic care and treat patients in a way that allows their body to find health.  Pre-SOMA is a way for pre-medical students to become a part of this community before getting into medical school.  It’s a way to help decide if osteopathic medicine is for you.

Mission of Pre-SOMA

To promote Osteopathic medicine, increase the number of applicants to Osteopathic medical schools, support aspiring Osteopathic physicians at all levels of education, and continue the proud legacy of Osteopathic Medicine.

 The Pre-SOMA Website is your place for more information on how you can get involved in osteopathic medicine as a Pre-Medical student!  This is your place to learn about osteopathic medicine, keep up to date with upcoming Pre-SOMA events, and a chance to interact directly with current osteopathic medical students.

Why should I join?

1)  Open line of communication to the osteopathic community

2)    Updates from National Pre-SOMA

3)    Invitation to National SOMA Conventions (clickable link to SOMA Convention page)

4)    Information on Pre-SOMA Events

5)    Participation in DO Day on the Hill (Click here for more info!) and access to DO Day Scholarship

6)    Show osteopathic medical schools on your application that you are already involved in the osteopathic profession

7)    It's Free!

Join Here at www.studentdo.com/join

If you have questions about this event please feel free to contact us at presoma@studentdo.com 
STUDENTDO.COM - The Student Osteopathic Network